The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Big Love's treatment of the mormon endowment cermony

From Wikipedia:

In Mormonism, the Endowment is an ordinance (ritual ceremony) designed to prepare participants to become kings, queens, priests, and priestesses in the afterlife. As part of the ceremony, participants take part in a scripted reenactment of the Biblical creation and fall of Adam and Eve. They also are taught highly symbolic gestures and passwords, thought to be needed to pass by angels guarding the way to heaven, and are instructed not to reveal these gestures and passwords. The ceremony also includes a washing and anointing, and receipt of a "new name" which they are not to reveal to others except at a certain part in the ceremony, and the receipt of the temple garments, which Mormons then are expected to wear under their clothing day and night throughout their life.
This episode was highly controversial because of this depiction. I really thought it was well done and it made me wonder and feel a slight sadness that there is no room in my life for mysticism and ritual. How profound and sublime it must feel to believe so utterly and to take part in something so otherworldly.

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