The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Blogs I read, so you don't have to read this one.

Greg Mankiw

A Harvard Professor of Economics who wrote the seminal textbook on macro. Very bright but sometimes he rubs me too partisan.

Marginal Revolution

Possibly the best blog on the internet. Thoughtful and concise economics and errata. Run by Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok of George Mason University. Did I mention this might be the best blog on the internet?

Bad Astronomy

Great for news on space, science, and skepticism.

Matthew Yglesias

A young thoughtful liberal. He almost always has compelling arguments with a leftist take. More importantly he is not afraid to criticize his own side.

Paul Krugman

Krugman is a great economist and a great liberal. He's proof the two aren't mutually exclusive.

NeuroLogica Blog

Dr. Steven Novella writes this blog. He is one of the most brilliant skeptics out there and a neurologist to boot. This blog is great for both neuroscience, skepticism, and the occasional lesson in logical fallacy. Steve Novella is also a contributer to the excellent blog Science Based Medicine.

Real Climate

The go-to site for actual climate science by actual climate scientists.


Skeptics being skeptical.

Inhabitat: Urban Planning Blog

Pretty pictures and sometimes great architecture pointers but mostly I feel like it's a clever disguise for advertisements cloaked in "green."

Glen Greenwald

Constitutional lawyer and fierce defender of civil liberties. Never would I want to end up in a debate with this man.

Urban Planning Blog

Very infrequent urban planning posts.

Ben Casnocha

A blog on entrepreneurship and errata. Ben Casnocha always seems to have something interesting to say or point to.

Felix Salmon

Talks often about finance, but mostly he's good for his links.

Serious Eats

Great road map for tonight's dinner.

The Bellows

This is economist Ryan Avent's blog that mostly focuses on urban/city/transportation issues. He's fantastic all around. I almost always come away from his posts agreeing with him.

The Frontal Cortex

Fascinating blog on neuroscience. Never dull. Always interesting.

The Internet Food Association

Pretty food pictures that make me hungry. Mostly run by political bloggers.

Overcoming Bias

Robin Hanson is scary smart. Everything he says is worth reading and thinking about.

Whirled Citizen

I found this blog after the earthquake in Haiti. Very good posts on international development.

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