The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Economist's Obituary for Eugene Terre'blanche

This thing is rightly harsh...

"The “leader”, as he styled himself, was no nicer in private. Though he won amnesty for his political crimes, he was jailed for beating one black worker into a coma and attempting to murder another. Yet unintentionally, he did some good. By making his cause look ridiculous, he weakened it. He fell off his horse at a parade. He wore green underpants with holes in them. He could fill a stadium and put on a show, but as a military commander, he was hopeless. Newspapers mocked him with punning headlines, such as “O volk! Terre’Blanche is back again”. Had he been less of a buffoon, South Africa’s road to democracy might have been bloodier."


"He was beaten to death last week, allegedly by two black farmworkers. The murder has sparked fears of renewed racial violence in South Africa. But the motive was apparently personal: unpaid wages and, one imagines, a less than agreeable management style."

Louis Theroux Interviews Terre'blanche

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