The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Monday, June 7, 2010

As soon as he could, he made his way up to Taos

"The mountain village of whitewashed adobe houses some seventy miles north of the capital, and found the rough-and-ready life there much more to his liking. Taos would be his home, sentimentally if not in fact, for the rest of his life."

I'm finally reading Blood and Thunder and it's incredible. I love history written this way. I need to read more history on the places I travel and live. The experience is so much richer this way.


  1. seems like a cool book. i amazoned it. i always wondered what the deal with kit carson was, and also the climactic scene seems to take place at canyon de chelly. who knew.

  2. I'm only 50 pages in and I suggest you read it. The prologue sets the tone for the rest of the book. It opens with the people of Las Vegas, NM sleeping poorly in their small village having heard from scouts of the impending arrival of the U.S. army. If you've been to las vegas it has these great views of the great planes. The town has the sangre christo's sitting to one side and the plains to the other. If you've been there you can imagine what it might have been like to be looking across the plains waiting for an army to appear on the horizon. You can imagine what it might have been like to know that everything would change when that army arrived and there wasn't much to be done about it. Such doom and resignation in such a place of beauty. Strange times and places are everywhere.

