The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Monday, May 31, 2010

I am thousands of years old, I have been immortal, and I did make a bargain with the devil.

Thoughts on Terry Gilliam:

With purpose he paints the fantastic with a crude brush and it's perfect. It's plastic magic, its strength is the imagination, not a world suffocating in marvelous effects.

Almost all of his films feel like they are amateur endeavours. But almost all of them succeed. Each movie he makes is something like an accidental success. Each one is like a homebrew experiment and each time he tries he succeeds. He's not an amateur though, he's really good at it.

If you've seen the criterion collection release of Fellini's 8.5 you can tell from his commentary that he is clearly well versed in film and to call him a novice is unfair.

There is a lack of polish to the man. But there is an abundance of accent.

This is what happens when I scribble notes while drinking...

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