The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

he must yield to the fate of mortality

Cyrus Buck

Georgia, VT
June 28th 1813

Dear Sir,

Feeling under obligation of transmitting to a friend importand and interesting events I with sorrow and depression communicate the following but perhaps you may have heard of the same but I consider it no less than an incumbent duty to inform you of some particulars realtaive to this event; your Brother Moses recieved a couple of wounds one in his breast the other in his side in the actoin at Fort George he was brought to Fort Lewis and terminated in Death the 17th Day following this news I had personally from a soldier belonging to his own Company who was taken a prisoner soon after and deserted them on his passage to quebeck who was formerly a resident of this town and was acquainted with your Brother he saw Moses twice in his wounds and conversed with him on his situation for a few days he thought he should recover but soon found that he must yield to the fate of mortality he at lenght became resigned knowing he fell in a glorious cause in as much as the loss his friends sustained was an unperishable gain of his beloved Country thus he bid a long Farewell to things with a hope of a blest immmortality above.

1 comment:

  1. wow. this one is intense. I like it. i can picture someone reading it and their eyes glazing over the words. sad.

