The uninspired correspondent scratches his scalp, but dandruff and lice, not words, fall onto the blotter.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A good strong stomach for hard tack and sowbelly

My mom just sent me copies of letters written by some of my ancestors going all the way back to the revolutionary war. I'm sitting here reading them and thinking how great it is to have this kind of thing.

"Dear Sister and Brother,

At a late hour I seat myself to have a little chat with you by way of letter. Though I had intended the next letter I wrote I should be the maile caryer myself but as things are progressing differently than we expected I fear we shall get lots of time to answer letters though I hope not very long. Myron said he wrote you yesterday, I was not aware of that and should not attempt to write this morning as he wrote all the news.

So here goes for what it may fetch you, As you will know before this reaches you that nearly all of the Co. (?) have taken another sollem oath to defend their country for three years longer. Therefore it would be useless for me to expend time and good talents writing in regard to this matter. but there is one thing which seems quite a mistory. And that is whether the 3rd Iowa Inlisted through pure and undefiled Patriotism. Or whether its for those four hundred and odd dollars. I think the latter.


I suppose Myron told you why he made his foolish move in regard to goin into the actions. So I suppose you will expect me to give my reasons. Well don't know as I have any in partikular, more than I inlisted partly because he did, and partly, the biggest part for big pay and a privleg of coming home. I think this is enough to justify anyone that has got a speck of patriotism and Lincolns Green Backs. And also a good strong stomach for hard tack and sowbelly. I may beet this home. When we will have some of those old fashioned country visits that are long to be remembered, And besides this we shall expect some pretty good grub which I know you have pleanty. With these remarks I close hopeing you will not wait to long before answering this."

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